Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Security at a California airport thought they had found a dangerous substance in a mans luggage which actually turned out to be bottles of honey. None of his bags contained hazardous material. The airport had to be evacuated and shut down for several hours because of what they thought it could be. The man was released without charges. Two TSA agents did a routine swab of the mans bag which tested positive for a hazardous substance and when they opened the bag they both became sick and had to be transported to the hospital but later left. The tests indicated the presence of TNT and TATP. The man said he was on a flight where he had visited relatives and was heading back home with his bottles of honey.

I don't really understand what happened when they said there was no hazardous substances in his bags and then later said that there actually were and he never got charged. It's kind of funny that what they thought the real problem was just turned out to be honey and it's good that the security is that tight at airports because you never know what people can do with regular items these days just to kill people. I still think he should have been charged with something if the bags actually did have anything dangerous in them because he could have been planning something.

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