Monday, January 4, 2010

Obama now has to face the problems he said he was going to confront along with other new responsibilities. He has a full agenda already and is having to add to it. He is going to have a meeting with his national security team to figure out a plan for plugging holes in aviation security. Dick Cheney accused Obama of pretending the nation is not at war. There are new questions for the administration like about the president's plan to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Part of the plan is sending some of the detainees back to Yemen and the White House believes that it was in Yemen that the terrorists plotted to blow up an airliner on Christmas Day. Jim DeMint worries that the country is losing its focus on security. They say Obama is getting distracted by other things and isn't focused on building security.

I think Obama is finally going to have to prove what he had promised when he first became president and isn't doing a very good job at starting it. He should be more focused on the safety of the United States and not trying to make friends with other countries right away and i agree with what Jim DeMint said. Obama is going to soon realize that he's already not doing very well at giving us hope. I think he's mainly all talk and can't actually do what he says he can but i believe he really does want to help and probably just doesn't really know how to start it off.

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