Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Security at a California airport thought they had found a dangerous substance in a mans luggage which actually turned out to be bottles of honey. None of his bags contained hazardous material. The airport had to be evacuated and shut down for several hours because of what they thought it could be. The man was released without charges. Two TSA agents did a routine swab of the mans bag which tested positive for a hazardous substance and when they opened the bag they both became sick and had to be transported to the hospital but later left. The tests indicated the presence of TNT and TATP. The man said he was on a flight where he had visited relatives and was heading back home with his bottles of honey.

I don't really understand what happened when they said there was no hazardous substances in his bags and then later said that there actually were and he never got charged. It's kind of funny that what they thought the real problem was just turned out to be honey and it's good that the security is that tight at airports because you never know what people can do with regular items these days just to kill people. I still think he should have been charged with something if the bags actually did have anything dangerous in them because he could have been planning something.


Li Jingchao, a 14 month old boy, was playing with chopsticks when he apparently fell and one of the chopsticks went through his nose and four centimeters of it was in his skull. His mom didn't know what had happened because she was washing the dishes and when she heard her son crying she ran to him and saw what had happened. The doctors thought it was too dangerous to remove and that he would lose alot of blood. She called her husband who was 10 hours away and he drove there thinking his son might die. Neurosurgeons thought that by removing the chopstick they would rupture an artery. They shaved his head and were going to open his skull to control bleeding if they had to. They ended up pulling out the chopstick with no problems. The doctors said if it had gone in any further it would have caused life threatening bleeding and he may have been permanently paralyzed.

I think it's sad that that happened to a little baby and his parents shouldn't let a baby play with chopsticks anyways but it's not really their fault. It's good that he was not paralyzed or really hurt very bad from such a thing and at such a young age because he wouldn't deserve to have to live like that just from playing around. I'm sure his parents learned to be more careful of what they let him play with and to keep track of what he's doing more to avoid more things like this.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Obama now has to face the problems he said he was going to confront along with other new responsibilities. He has a full agenda already and is having to add to it. He is going to have a meeting with his national security team to figure out a plan for plugging holes in aviation security. Dick Cheney accused Obama of pretending the nation is not at war. There are new questions for the administration like about the president's plan to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Part of the plan is sending some of the detainees back to Yemen and the White House believes that it was in Yemen that the terrorists plotted to blow up an airliner on Christmas Day. Jim DeMint worries that the country is losing its focus on security. They say Obama is getting distracted by other things and isn't focused on building security.

I think Obama is finally going to have to prove what he had promised when he first became president and isn't doing a very good job at starting it. He should be more focused on the safety of the United States and not trying to make friends with other countries right away and i agree with what Jim DeMint said. Obama is going to soon realize that he's already not doing very well at giving us hope. I think he's mainly all talk and can't actually do what he says he can but i believe he really does want to help and probably just doesn't really know how to start it off.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


On Thanksgiving Day Paul Merhige killed his 6 year old cousin, 79 year old aunt, and his twin sisters and wounded two other family members. Someone watching America's Most Wanted saw a description of his Paul and his call and called in and officers responded immediately. They found him ina hotel and he was checked in under the name John Baca. He tried to disguise his car with a cover and switched the tag with one from another car and he had shaved his head. He was added to the list of Top 15 most-wanted fugitives.

I don't get why anyone would want to kill your own family members for no reason and especially a child. I'm glad that they have that show so that people can get caught like this guy. The person that called in should get a good reward because they helped them catch him and especially if he was one of the top 15 most wanted fugitives because people really don't want people like that running around the world knowing that they got away doing something really bad and will probably do it again and probably have.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


In the same county in Washington where 4 police officers were killed last month, two were shot. They were responding to a domestic violence incident at a home by Eatonville. One of the men is a 20 year old veteran of the Pierce County Sherrif's Department and was transported to Madigan Army Medical Center where they said he was in serious condition. The other man is a nine year veteran and was airlifted to the trauma center at Harborview Medical Center where you was in critical condition with life-threatening injuries. The man that shot them was David E. Crable and he had a history of protection orders sought by family members. Early this year he pleaded guilty to malicious mischief and brandishing a knife in an incident with his brother. Both were misdemeanors and he had no felony convictions. The protecive orders were not in effect during the shooting. They deputies returned fire which killed the alleged shooter.

It's sad that people are that stupid to have to kill people for no reason. Just because their friend was shot doesn't mean the people that work with the people he shot should die too. The officers did nothing to those people but it seems that most of these big things that happen could have been prevented and had signs that they would do something bad again. People should be more cautious and aware of others so that they will be more likely to avoid situations where things like this could happen.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Haiyang Zhu pleaded guilty to first degree murder of Xin Yang who was a graduate student studying accounting at Virgina Tech. He attacked her with a knife and decapitated her at restaurant. Xin had started at Virgina Tech only two weeks before Haiyang killed her. The school spokesman said that the two were believed to have known each other and nobody saw any sign of an argument before he killed her. Haiyang was taken into custody at the scene. He wrote a love letter to Xin and she told him she was engaged to another man. He purchased the knife the morning of her death and tried to call her 12 times, the first call was right after he bought the knife. Haiyang had a writing called "Will" where he talked about his love for Xin and that she broke his heart by saying she was engaged and thought that her fiance couldn't compare to Haiyang in education and that she should have seen he would be the best husband for her. He is scheduled to be sentenced in April.

She should have turned him in when he kept calling her and stuff because he was obviously pretty much stalking her and she wasn't interested like that otherwise she wouldnt have said she was engaged. I'm not saying it's her fault she died but she could probably have prevented it by getting him and herself some help. He seems like he has some mental issues that he needs to get checked out if he gets that mad just because he can't have someone. Obviously she found someone else and he should be able to do the same but i guess it's too late for that anyways.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Maurice Clemmons is a "person of interest" in a Washington shooting. Four police officers all in uniform were shot in a coffee shop and died. They think the shooter may have been wounded by one of the victims. Maurice is not a suspect yet and investigators have not come up with motives. The sheriff's department said Maurice Clemmons has "extensive violent criminal history from Arkansas, including aggravated robbery and theft". He was recently charged in Pierce County in connection with the assault of a police officer and the rape of a child.

He should have been more than just charged after raping a child because that's not right at all. If they would have dealt with the other things he had recently done they would have been able to avoid the four deaths that he caused. I think he was pretty much a wuss to run like that and I don't even understand why he shot them anyways. People are frickin stupid but it could most likely have been avoided so I don't know who is dumber here.