Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mother slits her sons throats

Michelle Kehoe her 2 year old sons, and 7 year old sons, throats and covered the 7 year old boys mouth, nose, and eyes with duct tape. The 2 year old boy was found outside of her van dead and the 7 year old was still alive and locked himself inside of the van. Michelle slit her own throat at a near by river and did not die so she walked to a house and tried to tell the people that her and her sons were abducted and tried to kill her and her sons. She had scattered different first aid kit pieces around the scene and wrote a note saying what was happening to her and her sons. The note ended with "'Oh no, here he comes again". She had planned the attack a month earlier when she bought her knife and duct. She scheduled it around her husband's yoga class and had told him that they were going to visit her mother in a nursing home. She pleaded not guilty and her lawyers filed a notice of intent to present an insanity defense. If Michelle is convicted of first-degree murder she would face life in prison without parole.

I think Michelle Kehoe should be convicted of more than just first-degree murder since she tried to kill her other son and she lied to people. You think her husband would have known about her buying a knife and wondered why she bought it. I don't understand why people kill others when they're just going to kill themselves anways. They should just leave the other people alone because it's not going to make a difference to the killer if the others are alive because they are going to be dead anyways. If she was insane she should not have been able to have kids or be alone with them at least because stuff like this happens alot with people that can't control themselves. I hope she goes to jail for life or just dies. People like her do not deserve to be alive.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Spending What We Can Afford

Congress passed a pay-as-you-go (paygo) budgeting measure to help with current budget challenges. It will require that any tax cuts or increases in entitlement spending reductions elsewhere. People who support pay-as-you-go budgeting say it will supporters say that if we decrease pointless spending and collect upaid taxes it will be easier for Congress to raise most of their funds they need to pay for new things wihtout going into debt even more. This can help because spending will be limited to what can be afforded. But, it may increase tax hikes which will hurt the economy more, it would also limit congresses ability to respond to national emergencies, and some worry the tax increases required by paygo will anger voters.

I agree with both sides because they need to learn how to control their spending and make other people accountable for their own taxes instead of letting it go all of the time. It would make it easier for Americans if they stopped over spending because it's not everyone's fault and we have to pay for it but even if they do go with the pay-as-you-go budgeting it could still result in us paying more for taxes. I think they should do the paygo thing but only tax others more thant never paid for what they were supposed to and not the people that did pay.

Friday, October 2, 2009

United Nations

President Obama urged the United Nations to move past old problems, to focus on issues that are happening now. The United States has been waiting to restart things with all nations in a new way. In his speech to the U.N., Obama urged the assembly to get past old problems and focus on the problems of today. He said there needs to be a Middle East agreement. He said the future should not belong to fear. He also stated that America cannot act alone in solving global problems. The world needs to work together in the pursuit of peace, combating climate change, and improving the economy.

I think Obama has made a lot of good points to the U.N. and that the world does need to just get over issues they have had and focus on what’s happening now. If we don’t all work on these things then no one will be happy because nothing will get solved and everyone will just keep being angry and stay behind. The problems he brought up don’t just affect one nation, they affect the world.