Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Global Issues

President Obama has been meeting with world leaders to work on global issues. By meeting with these leaders, the United States image has improved. The only issue he has is meeting with the Middle East, although many Muslim countries attitudes towards the U.S. have improved since Obama became president. One of the main objects of his visits is to improve the world’s economy. Another issue he is facing is whether or not he needs to deploy more troops to Afghanistan. How he deals with these two issues he is working on may hurt his image overseas later on.

I think Obama does need to go over and try to fix what’s going on in the world, like the economy and also the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although they all are in favor of him right now but once they hear what his plans are for deploying more troops and working on the economy they might not all agree. It might end up making it worse for the United States than it is right now.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tire tarrif

Obama put a tarrif on car and light truck tires coming from China into the United States because it was hurting American producers. Some of the tire plants in the United States were closing from not making enough money. Though he went with lower penalties it will probably still make the Chinese mad. This could start a trade war as China is already targeting imported chicken meat and unloading tires ahead of what Obama had planned. The Obama administration is enforcing trade laws to keep an open and free trading system and also getting support from the labor union which he needs for his national health care program.

I think it is good that Obama put the tarrif on the tires from China because they shouldn't be able to get all of our business. China shouldn't even be trying to get even because they are the ones starting the trade problems and if they do start a trade war we will lose even more business and more people will probably lose their jobs. Something needs to be done to keep the trading equal for everyone so everyone can make money and keep their jobs. I like the fact the Obama administration is enforcing the trade laws because it will probably keep things more even.