Tuesday, December 22, 2009


In the same county in Washington where 4 police officers were killed last month, two were shot. They were responding to a domestic violence incident at a home by Eatonville. One of the men is a 20 year old veteran of the Pierce County Sherrif's Department and was transported to Madigan Army Medical Center where they said he was in serious condition. The other man is a nine year veteran and was airlifted to the trauma center at Harborview Medical Center where you was in critical condition with life-threatening injuries. The man that shot them was David E. Crable and he had a history of protection orders sought by family members. Early this year he pleaded guilty to malicious mischief and brandishing a knife in an incident with his brother. Both were misdemeanors and he had no felony convictions. The protecive orders were not in effect during the shooting. They deputies returned fire which killed the alleged shooter.

It's sad that people are that stupid to have to kill people for no reason. Just because their friend was shot doesn't mean the people that work with the people he shot should die too. The officers did nothing to those people but it seems that most of these big things that happen could have been prevented and had signs that they would do something bad again. People should be more cautious and aware of others so that they will be more likely to avoid situations where things like this could happen.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Haiyang Zhu pleaded guilty to first degree murder of Xin Yang who was a graduate student studying accounting at Virgina Tech. He attacked her with a knife and decapitated her at restaurant. Xin had started at Virgina Tech only two weeks before Haiyang killed her. The school spokesman said that the two were believed to have known each other and nobody saw any sign of an argument before he killed her. Haiyang was taken into custody at the scene. He wrote a love letter to Xin and she told him she was engaged to another man. He purchased the knife the morning of her death and tried to call her 12 times, the first call was right after he bought the knife. Haiyang had a writing called "Will" where he talked about his love for Xin and that she broke his heart by saying she was engaged and thought that her fiance couldn't compare to Haiyang in education and that she should have seen he would be the best husband for her. He is scheduled to be sentenced in April.

She should have turned him in when he kept calling her and stuff because he was obviously pretty much stalking her and she wasn't interested like that otherwise she wouldnt have said she was engaged. I'm not saying it's her fault she died but she could probably have prevented it by getting him and herself some help. He seems like he has some mental issues that he needs to get checked out if he gets that mad just because he can't have someone. Obviously she found someone else and he should be able to do the same but i guess it's too late for that anyways.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Maurice Clemmons is a "person of interest" in a Washington shooting. Four police officers all in uniform were shot in a coffee shop and died. They think the shooter may have been wounded by one of the victims. Maurice is not a suspect yet and investigators have not come up with motives. The sheriff's department said Maurice Clemmons has "extensive violent criminal history from Arkansas, including aggravated robbery and theft". He was recently charged in Pierce County in connection with the assault of a police officer and the rape of a child.

He should have been more than just charged after raping a child because that's not right at all. If they would have dealt with the other things he had recently done they would have been able to avoid the four deaths that he caused. I think he was pretty much a wuss to run like that and I don't even understand why he shot them anyways. People are frickin stupid but it could most likely have been avoided so I don't know who is dumber here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

14 year old murders 4 year old neighbor


Raul Renato Castro, a 14 year old boy, was charged as an adult for murdering a 4 year old child, Alex Christopher Mercato, during molestation, sodomy, kidnapping and murder of a witness to prevent testimony. Raul told the investigators that he lured Alex into his apartment by telling him he had something to show him. He took Alex into the bathroom and sodomized him. Alex started crying and told Raul that he was going to tell his mother what he had done so he panicked and killed the 4 year old by drowning him in the bathtub by filling the tub up enough to put Alex's face underwater. He held him down for 2-4 minutes and then carried Alex's body over his shoulder and put him in the clothes dryer so nobody would see him.

It's really stupid that he had to kill a little boy because he didn't want to get in trouble. He was obviously going to get in more trouble for killing someone that just molesting them. I don't see how anybody could do that to a little kid because they are so innocent. I'm sure they will find him guilty which is good because people like him should not be able to be around everybody else. I wish he would be able to get the death penalty for doing such a thing. They should look into the background of the 14 year old to see what kind of a person he is and why he would act like that and you would think his parents would notice something odd about him if he is that messed up to be able to kill someone.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Teen burned

Michael Brewer was doused with rubbing alcohol and set on fire by five teenagers, four of them were 15 and one was 13, on October 12 2009. Michael told the police that his dad's bike was stolen and it was because he had not paid one of the teenagers $40 for a video game. Witnesses heard the teenagers call Michale a snitch and then they used a lighter to set him on fire. He has second and third degree burns on 65% of his body and his organs are not functioning the way they should be. He is on a ventilator and other mechanical ventilation. The 5 teenagers that were accused of the attack are being held in custody. The four 15 year olds could be charged as adults and if Michael dies then so could the 13 year old.

I don't understand that if people were around to see them set him on fire then they probably saw that they had poured rubbing alcohol on him and had lighter and they could have taken it away or tried to stop it but didn't. I think they should all be charged as adults no matter what because he will never be the same as before it happened. I hope they all go to jail for a long time because of how much pain they caused Michael. I don't get why they had to steel his dad's bike either because if the boy wanted the 40 dollars so bad he should have told his parents or the police about that and could have avoided everything.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ohio bodies


Anthony Sowell was arrested for having 6 dead women found decomposing at his house in Cleveland, Ohio. The police found the bodies after trying to arrest him and search his house because he had sexual assaulted a woman. Five of the bodies were found inside of his house and one was found outside of his house and they were mostly all strangled. A woman had accused him of rape and assault about a month ago. He had already been convicted of rape in 1989 and went to prison for 15 years. Anthony Sowell is known for walking around and picking up any metal scraps he can find to sell.

I had heard from different sites that he had already assaulted two other women recently who had him arrested but the case had never made it to court. If he had already been in prison or just arrested for things like that he should have been checked on weekly. The courts and police officers let people like that get away for things that they should know are going to happen. You can't just expect that someone who had been in prison for 15 years is automatically going to behave again. The deaths could have been prevented if the case was actually looked into and thoguht about. Things like this happen alot and it's really stupid that people are that careless to not be able to check up on someone that could kill other people.

Memorial Park chapel burned


Brian Schroeder set a section of Memorial Park chapel which houses remains of victims of the November 11, 2001 attacks. The man was arrested and will be faced with chargers of criminal mischief. Benches in the chapel and family mementos were damaged in the fire. Memorial Park is a big white tent that is a temporary place for unclaimed or unidentified remains. The remains will be transported to the World Trade Center Memorial once it is completed.

I don't understand why anybody would want to burn remains of peoples belongings or anything like that. I don't think it would affect anyone else except the families of the attacks but even then i don't think they would even want to destroy such things. They should have better security at places like that and these types of things would be able to be avoided better. He should be charged with more than just crinimal mischief if he tried to actually burn something down. They shouldn't be so easy on him just because no people would have been harmed. They are still people's belongings and they mean something to somebody.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mother slits her sons throats


Michelle Kehoe her 2 year old sons, and 7 year old sons, throats and covered the 7 year old boys mouth, nose, and eyes with duct tape. The 2 year old boy was found outside of her van dead and the 7 year old was still alive and locked himself inside of the van. Michelle slit her own throat at a near by river and did not die so she walked to a house and tried to tell the people that her and her sons were abducted and tried to kill her and her sons. She had scattered different first aid kit pieces around the scene and wrote a note saying what was happening to her and her sons. The note ended with "'Oh no, here he comes again". She had planned the attack a month earlier when she bought her knife and duct. She scheduled it around her husband's yoga class and had told him that they were going to visit her mother in a nursing home. She pleaded not guilty and her lawyers filed a notice of intent to present an insanity defense. If Michelle is convicted of first-degree murder she would face life in prison without parole.

I think Michelle Kehoe should be convicted of more than just first-degree murder since she tried to kill her other son and she lied to people. You think her husband would have known about her buying a knife and wondered why she bought it. I don't understand why people kill others when they're just going to kill themselves anways. They should just leave the other people alone because it's not going to make a difference to the killer if the others are alive because they are going to be dead anyways. If she was insane she should not have been able to have kids or be alone with them at least because stuff like this happens alot with people that can't control themselves. I hope she goes to jail for life or just dies. People like her do not deserve to be alive.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Spending What We Can Afford

Congress passed a pay-as-you-go (paygo) budgeting measure to help with current budget challenges. It will require that any tax cuts or increases in entitlement spending reductions elsewhere. People who support pay-as-you-go budgeting say it will supporters say that if we decrease pointless spending and collect upaid taxes it will be easier for Congress to raise most of their funds they need to pay for new things wihtout going into debt even more. This can help because spending will be limited to what can be afforded. But, it may increase tax hikes which will hurt the economy more, it would also limit congresses ability to respond to national emergencies, and some worry the tax increases required by paygo will anger voters.

I agree with both sides because they need to learn how to control their spending and make other people accountable for their own taxes instead of letting it go all of the time. It would make it easier for Americans if they stopped over spending because it's not everyone's fault and we have to pay for it but even if they do go with the pay-as-you-go budgeting it could still result in us paying more for taxes. I think they should do the paygo thing but only tax others more thant never paid for what they were supposed to and not the people that did pay.

Friday, October 2, 2009

United Nations


President Obama urged the United Nations to move past old problems, to focus on issues that are happening now. The United States has been waiting to restart things with all nations in a new way. In his speech to the U.N., Obama urged the assembly to get past old problems and focus on the problems of today. He said there needs to be a Middle East agreement. He said the future should not belong to fear. He also stated that America cannot act alone in solving global problems. The world needs to work together in the pursuit of peace, combating climate change, and improving the economy.

I think Obama has made a lot of good points to the U.N. and that the world does need to just get over issues they have had and focus on what’s happening now. If we don’t all work on these things then no one will be happy because nothing will get solved and everyone will just keep being angry and stay behind. The problems he brought up don’t just affect one nation, they affect the world.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Global Issues


President Obama has been meeting with world leaders to work on global issues. By meeting with these leaders, the United States image has improved. The only issue he has is meeting with the Middle East, although many Muslim countries attitudes towards the U.S. have improved since Obama became president. One of the main objects of his visits is to improve the world’s economy. Another issue he is facing is whether or not he needs to deploy more troops to Afghanistan. How he deals with these two issues he is working on may hurt his image overseas later on.

I think Obama does need to go over and try to fix what’s going on in the world, like the economy and also the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although they all are in favor of him right now but once they hear what his plans are for deploying more troops and working on the economy they might not all agree. It might end up making it worse for the United States than it is right now.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tire tarrif


Obama put a tarrif on car and light truck tires coming from China into the United States because it was hurting American producers. Some of the tire plants in the United States were closing from not making enough money. Though he went with lower penalties it will probably still make the Chinese mad. This could start a trade war as China is already targeting imported chicken meat and unloading tires ahead of what Obama had planned. The Obama administration is enforcing trade laws to keep an open and free trading system and also getting support from the labor union which he needs for his national health care program.

I think it is good that Obama put the tarrif on the tires from China because they shouldn't be able to get all of our business. China shouldn't even be trying to get even because they are the ones starting the trade problems and if they do start a trade war we will lose even more business and more people will probably lose their jobs. Something needs to be done to keep the trading equal for everyone so everyone can make money and keep their jobs. I like the fact the Obama administration is enforcing the trade laws because it will probably keep things more even.